The European Strategy Group (ESG) is a special body set up by the CERN Council approximately every five years, with the remit to establish a proposal for the periodic update of the medium-and long-term European Strategy for Particle Physics which it submits to the CERN Council for approval. The ESG is assisted in this task by a Physics Preparatory Group (PPG) and drafts its update proposal taking into account, inter alia, the scientific input submitted by the PPG. The ESG is composed of all the stakeholders of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, as follows:
- the Strategy Secretary (acting as Chair),
- one representative appointed by each CERN Member State,
- one representative appointed by each of the Laboratories participating in the
major European Laboratory Directors’ meetings, including its Chair
(CERN, CIEMAT (Madrid-Spain), DESY (Hamburg-Germany), Irfu (Saclay-France), LAL (Orsay-France), Nikhef (Amsterdam-Netherlands), LNF (Frascati-Italy), LNGS (Gran Sasso-Italy), PSI (Villigen-Switzerland), STFC-RAL (Didcot-UK)), - the CERN Director-General,
- the SPC Chair,
- the ECFA Chair.
- the President of the CERN Council,
- one representative from each of the Associate Member States,
- one representative from each Observer State,
- one representative from the European Commission,
- the Chairs of ApPEC and NuPECC,
- the Chairs of FALC and ESFRI,
- the members of the Physics Preparatory Group.
- Invitees are entitled to attend all open meetings of the ESG and to take the floor.